At M2D Leadership, we can also provide personalized coaching services to help you achieve your objectives.

Becoming better together means providing personalized coaching services. Because the expression of leadership in all of its forms is a complex and changing process, we have chosen a wide variety of coaching expertise for you.

Our team of professional coaches has been involved in a broad range of individual and group development initiatives.

The response can take a wide array of forms. We discuss this with you and involve you in choosing the best course of action. This is done in a pragmatic and diligent manner, working together with you.

A Unique Approach

Discover our unique way of developing your leadership qualities by way of a professional approach that is both empowering and firmly focussed on autonomy.

Service, rigour and professionalism are core values for M2D, and this is reflected in our coaching services. From the initial contact meeting to the final review, our coaches adhere to principles and techniques that are recognized by the industry. It is with professionalism that they propose a rigorous approach, maximizing real and observable results.


Because any improvement process requires change and adaptation, meaning that the person will have to make efforts and get out of his or her comfort zone, commitment and motivation are essential to have an approach that is empowering for the individual. We therefore assess this right from the start.


Whether the coaching is for a short period, a specific purpose or part of a lengthier process, our primary objective is to make the individual more autonomous in ensuring his or her own development.


Coaching services that are well-targeted, provided in a respectful manner, and rewarding

1 - Integration coaching

to quickly adapt to a new work environment


The objective for this type of assistance is to reduce the amount of time required for a person to quickly get up to speed in a new position, providing guidelines allowing the individual to effectively build relationships based on trust with key people at work.

5 - Future-oriented coaching

to help you prepare for a new role


Changing professional status represents a new beginning. You can develop a new strategy with us and get a good head start.


2 - Career coaching

to meet new challenges


Looking for a job—whether voluntarily or not—generates questions and requires that people quickly learn new reflexes and job search techniques that are both up to date and tailored to the marketplace. Our experienced coaches will assist you in your efforts and your reflections, and most importantly, will give you confidence. We can assist you with a personalized approach, from making first impressions, networking, preparing your cv, interviewing for a position and using on-line job sites!

4 - Optimization coaching

to maximize your potential in your current position

Constant renewal and professional development are keys to professional success. We can guide you through the course of your career to help you always be at your best.

3 - Corrective coaching

to resolve an impasse


Corrective coaching is used to resolve conflicts often relating to inappropriate attitudes or behaviours, whether urgent action is needed or an accumulation of irritants need to be addressed. The objective is to have people quickly see the consequences of the status quo. Our coaches will be tactful and respectful, while ensuring transparency, in helping the individual to modify inappropriate behaviour by exploring alternative solutions

Our step-by-step approach

M2D Leadership is at your side in order to fully respond to your professional issues. Discover, step by step, our vision of personalized and customized coaching.

First contact

Establishing a relationship of trust where motivation is essential

In order to be useful and to foster development, the coaching approach is based on a relationship of mutual trust between coach and client. The first contact is essential to establish the basis of this approach.


Knowing how to set the rules for effective and targeted coaching

Having clearly stated expectations, needs and issues, a coaching agreement, a code of ethics, progress indicators, as well as frequent and regular meetings allows us to establish the framework together with you.

Validation of development needs

Measurement provides for improvement

Together, we determine which sources of information (360º assessment, psychometric evaluation, team survey, performance evaluation, consultation with the superior, etc.) will allow us to make a clear and precise diagnosis of the development needs. By sharing the results, we determine the development priorities to be worked on within the coaching framework.

Development plan

Segment objectives for simplicity

To ensure success , we provide a development plan describing the skills to be developed, the behaviours to be reinforced or replaced, SMART objectives and progress indicators, as well as the contexts and situations where development efforts will be tested and developed—all in a simple and concrete way.


Precise, detailed and motivating report for the future

Progress and success indicators are documented throughout the coaching process. At the end of the process, a report is produced in collaboration with the person in order to present progress, highlight successes and identify strategies that will allow the person to maintain the new skills that were developed.

Coaching sessions

Constructive support and feedback

Coaching sessions provide feedback on situations or events that have occurred at work.
In a protected environment, the person can discuss successes or failures with the coach, so that the coach can help implement a development plan. Through active listening and proven coaching techniques, but above all else by providing motivating feedback, the coach guides and encourages the person throughout the coaching process, so that learning by doing is a guarantee of success.

Ready to contact us?

You are now familiar with our expertise in the areas of advisory services as well as research and development.
Feel free to contact us. We will be pleased to help you!